MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011 8:12 AM, PDT

Day 7.....More progress
Another restful day, however the physical therapist had Andy working on building some strength on the right side, and practicing sitting in a chair to hold his own weight. The biggest progress of the day was the downscaling of the size of the bandage, as the healing progress is going well. Andy is able to wear a more scaled down version of his turban now.

The outpouring of love and support continues (thanks so much everyone), and we enjoyed more visits with good friends today. Athough much of the time Andy is still resting with his eyes closed, he listens in to the conversation, and enjoys having the company, I shared many of your posts with him, and I know we're all enjoying the many pictures we've been able to post on the site. Thanks again everyone!!!

We begin the long road of after care this week, including radiation treatment which begins tomorrow. Andy will be a busy guy every day, with speech and physical therapy, radiation treatments, and of course, his regualr visits with his medical team who are monitoring his progress and moving forward with aggresse treatment.

Today is Memorial Day, and as many of you know, Andy and I are both veterans of the armed forces (USAF). As I've done for a number of years, I visited the Riverside National Cemetery over the weekend to pay respect to our veterans, and this year I joined fellow Factory Five racer (and Vettes R Us club president), TC McNett to help him and a large number of friends place more than 11,000 flags on the markers of our fallen heroes. It was an amazing experience indeed......TC sent a flag to Andy as well, and it's in his room for him to enjoy.

Please keep the prayers and good wishes coming...They're working,,,,We know everyone of you would be here if you could!

Love and big hugs! Karen