I made my choice for the Coyote based on 2 factors. I wanted an "updated" car and look - so engine compartment aesthetics and (believe it or not) cost. I pretty carefully priced what I thought would be a nice SBF build (331 or 347) reconned block with an aluminum top end and EFI and discovered a couple of things. If I had to farm out machine work and buy the pieces separately I could buy the complete engine from a reputable builder for less money than I could build it myself. Then when I added up the all of the add ons and special brackets required the price was actually lower for the Coyote. The FR Coyote comes with everything but the alternator - it even comes with headers that you can't use but may be able to sell. You can also use the supplied flywheel with the right clutch. As pointed out above there are myriads of other aspects to consider and I will need to learn to work with the more complex Coyote engine control systems etc. but that's an area I need to add to my skill set anyway... BTW the next gen Coyote is apparently out - see Edwardb's build on the 20th anniversary kit. That means that there are some sales available on the older model or more HP and torque in the newer addition.

As a complete aside - I live adjacent to the Lake Norman Airpark (Mooresville NC) - if you wish me to pass around the details of your plane to the residents and contacts here PM me the details.