Quote Originally Posted by Paintwerks View Post
As the Cobra does not have a defined start and end point to the body (ie. no panel breaks), any type of repair on a Cobra body (if it is to be warranted) necessitates a full edge to edge coating of clearcoat over the entire body (bolt on panels excluded). You can blend through the sharp line of the hips (behind the door) as a compromise so you only have to paint half the car. Given this, it really doesn't matter what colour you use. I will say that a regular 2 layer basecoat is easier to blend than a tri stage.

However, blending a 3 layer (tri-stage) is not difficult if the painter has half a brain, Whoever said that they are next to impossible to repair is completely misinformed. I successfully blend and repair 3 layer paint all the time at my bodyshop.
Maybe there's a point in there somewhere. But accusing painters of having half a brain or being completely misinformed because they don't happen to see things the same as you is a little strong, don't you think?