Guys I know i have gone rouge here running my wet sump system on my 818R. I data log oil pressure, oil and water temp intake air temp at the throttle body, RPM, speed and G's. I am not seeing any fluctuation in oil pressure during a on track session. With the oil temp at 220* (currently running the OEM oil to water heater), water temp 176* at idle op is 56-58 psi and 75-78psi under load. The graph line is flat under accelleration, braking or 1.6 g corner load it doesn't change. I also am not seeing any knock at all.
I am not saying a DS system is not a good thing, I think they are great. But it looks to me with the data I have on my car a wet sump can do the job. I am running KB pan and windage tray, Crawford Air Oil Separator, KB Oil Control valve and Separator, Mobil One 5-50 Racing oil. I always pull my TMIC looking for oil in the intake system, it is dry. So all I can say is so far this combination is working on my track car. (the engine has 100K on it as far as I know)
this also has me wondering if some of the engine failures are due to detonation or some other tuning issue? I am also not making big HP I am running sub 300WHP