Updating...... I have gotten some more work done... Forte hasnt shipped my engine yet, so I finished out the ff metal rear battery box. Painted it and mounted it. Finally got my brakes pads from FF, put those in, and bleed the brakes. Only had one connection that was leaking... Fixed that and moved on.

BODY WORK!!!!!!!

So, I have been reading a lot about body work. My budget doesnt allow for me to pay someone. Having never done body work before, it sounded fun! NOT... Although I must admit, so far it has been fun.

I washed the car with dawn and scrubbed it down 6 times....
Brought the body into the garage and let it dry for 4 days...
picked up grease and wax remover from Oriellys auto parts.
used micro towels to apply the grease and wax remover, and a bigger towel to removed it before it dried. Which was fast!
I did 4 applications of this. Then I decided to pour the grease and wax remover on the car and wipe it off...
So I took the gallon can and dumped it on the car. I did 1/4 of the car at a time. wiped it off. I found some different static properties when I did this compared to when I wiped it on/off... The static was huge! If I walked within 3 inches of the car, my pants or shirt would pull towards the car!
Once I was done, I pulled out the air hose and blew off any pieces of hair/fibers stuck to the car. I got all my blocks out (bought dura blocks), got 120grit paper out, and started on the seams. Let me know what I am doing wrong. I know in one or two places im pretty sure I went to far.

block rub and went to far on the fiber glass??

better picture of where my block was rubbing and went to far