Been a few months since I posted so I thought I would give a quick update.

Engine was finished up in November and got it installed without too much trouble. Clutch and transmission went in smoothly as well. Getting the rear axles in was a pain since the only way I could figure out how to do it was to completely disassemble everything first.

Gas tank also went in. I did use some fuel cell foam and a hydramat to hopefully prevent any starvation issues.

I also installed the brake and clutch lines. I am not real happy with the brake line routing and I am almost sure I will have some leaks given it was my first attempt at flaring. I will consider this my practice run and once I prime the lines, see what needs to be replaced and if I can route it any better.

Also got the radiator and AWIC installed. I am going with a hybrid BOV/BPV. The biggest pain for the AWIC was getting the re-circulation line connected. If the line coming off the BPV is not angled correctly, getting it to line up with the re-circulation line at the turbo inlet is a pain. Have not mounted the pump or run the lines from the intercooler yet.

Finally decided on the brakes and just finished up installing those last week.

Up next is the wiring harness, which I plan to try and do myself.