Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
New design (side). Is much much better! Nice job man!

No reason that FFR couldn't use this... If you could get it I'm 3d it would be much easier!
Quote Originally Posted by Flamshackle View Post
I really like your work now V-man! I think this has an amazing and true low slung mid engine front end look. Can you team up with anyone to show it in 3D? Amazing work though and it looks ace as now IMO :~)

PS keep true scale wheels. We all know how big low profile wheels make cars look ace but these are a good start point if FFR get excited by it.
If someone would like to do it in a 3D Cad program that would be great! I would most likely have to do a 2D drafting style drawings for that person to use as a template, since that would help make it more accurate. Originally I was going to do the design that way, but I thought not to many people would think much of it.

I think I will stay with the tire/wheel size, which in the thread I talk about the sizes, just might change the wheel look, since the ones right now are not that great looking.
