While that video is awesome ill admit that it does scare me a bit.. seeing how Dave speaks about the car he seems to emphasize multiple times if you cant build you cant do this...

What about the people who have never built a kit car before ??
What about the average person who may love cars but hasn't done a huge amount of work besides oil changes, brake jobs, exhaust jobs, etc..

The average person doesn't exactly get the opportunity to get "training" for a project like this. Ill admit I have been lucky enough for the most part to have newer cars so maintenance has really been the majority of my experience along with some customization (mainly interior).

I am by no means a race car driver but I love cars... I have a garage with basic tools and this is a project that id like to be part of if its something I can realistically handle.. my plan was to have the most difficult parts to be handled by professionals (if I were to ever come to a point in the instructions that I was completely confused with)

The grin that Dave got when he said "I want to merge" makes me 100% willing to prove him wrong if he doesn't feel the average person can build this machine.