So finally getting back to the build. I've started the small stuff like the lemans cap, installing weather pack connectors and lights. I had to open up the holes for everything with a file, it was intimidating because of the new paint but once I got started it was easy.

I've been looking at the drivers side exhaust and how it comes out of the body, the top exhaust bolt hits the body and should be able to be pushed off by using the splash guard I was told but it takes a lot of force to move it. Has anyone made a shim to fit between the body and the drivers side footbox to help push the body off the exhaust? I think I'm going to attach a stud with HSRF on the body tab in front of the exhaust and try to push out the body with the splash guard. I may have to make a new splash guard or add an extension from the F-panel to make it wider. The passenger side exhaust fits great between the body. Both drivers side and passenger side exhaust run parallel to the body the same distance away and look great it just this one hang up with the top bolt hitting the body. Any suggestions and pictures would be greatly appreciated.

Passenger side