Today I worked on the license plate holder. Like I mentioned a week or two ago, I started making the "Kleiner Mod" to the bracket and at the point I would need to cut the clear light cover, I took a few more measurements and realized that I'd still be about a 1/2" too low on the plate. So, I looked at what Jeff did with the last step, the bracket, and decided I could make that a bit larger and then notch the top of the plate to fit around the light and still clear the trunk handle. Here is what it looks like:
I plan to replace the button-head screws with some flat-head and counter sink the aluminum so that the plate will sit flat.
In Colorado, you keep your old plates when you sell a car, so I have a few sets laying around that I can cut up to try things out. Here is what it looks like with a plate in position and how much I had to cut out to get it to fit.
I plan to mount the plate from behind with studded rubber bumpers secured with stainless cap nuts on the front side of the plate. I'll also use the bumpers on the bottom holes to ensure the metal plate never comes in contact with the paint.
I know a lot of guys are completely against cutting the plate, but I'm sure nobody will be able to tell mine is modified unless they are right up close to it.