If that's your first time safety wiring, you could've fooled me. It looks pretty good, and believe me when I say I've seen some sketchy safety wired stuff at motorcycle track events.

As far as the flywheel bolts are concerned, it's not usually a galling issue (steel fasteners and steel threads in the crankshaft). When you hear "replace flywheel bolts any time they're removed" it's typically due to the threads of the fastener stretching when torqued to yield. Sometimes the OEM specs a torque (lb-ft) plus an additional angle (degrees) that the flywheel bolts are tightened to, and that makes them a one-use deal. It's a lot easier to pop new bolts in at this step than to have one come out later on when it's all put together in the car.

Looking good so far! I really like the coating on your garage floor.