I am currently building a 33 Hot Rod and I told SWMBO that we would probably spend around $45K on the car from start to finish. That includes paint and everything. I think that so far I am still on schedule with that plan.

I am currently a couple hundred short of $21,000 and still have stage 2 to buy. The big items I still have left are

Exhaust $1,000
Stage 2 $10,000
Wheels and Tires $3,800
Body and Paint $10,000

That puts me at $44,800 and I know there will be other little things. Mind you that I used a donor motor and transmission from a car that I already owned. So add quite a bit more if you are going to buy a crate motor and transmission.


If I keep it within 5% of my original budget I will be happy and so will SWMBO.