I have had it for seven years and worked on it on and off until I got frustrated and put out a post asking for help. Frank Mazlowski, from ie427, answered my post and I brought my car to him. He looked at it and decided it needed more than I thought it did. It turns out it did. Frank did such outstanding work. He modified things that just turned out to be way beyond what I could have imagined. He was so precise in everything he did from putting a 12 v receptacle to modifying the wall behind the seats into a storage shelf that looks just great. If anybody is looking for some help, get hold of Frank at ie427 he's a great guy and outstanding fabricator.DSCN2247.JPGDSCN2250.JPGDSCN2242.JPGDSCN2253.JPGDSCN2243.JPGDSCN2249.JPGDSCN2233.JPGDSCN2239.JPG