I'm a little late starting this build thread but several things got in the way in the meantime. Anyway, here goes...

I've been enamored with the '65 C**** ever since I was a kid. I wrote book reports on it, built plastic models, bought the matchbox cars, and always stopped to admire any picture, or the seldom seen car. I also have wanted to build a car, so when I saw the FFR kit I was sold immediately. I have younger kids (12and under) but plan to make this as much a family event as possible. I still remember building an old 5 series BMW with my dad, ground up.

(This is my first blog post so I'm still figuring this out. Pictures from my iPhone seem too large to post)

I took possession June 18th with a pretty smooth delivery by Steve at Stewart. Then I went to inventory the boxes and was pleasantly surprised that FFR had caught up on a lot of items (like spindles). Once that was done I went right to the suspension before leaving for a mission trip to Costa Rica. To date I have completed the front and rear suspension (minus springs I'm waiting on), fuel tank, and steering rack.

I'll post pictures with more details of each step as soon as I figure out the upload, but I knew if I waited any longer I'd never do it.

By the way, I've been reading the forums, a few posts, and found you guys incredibly helpful. Hopefully my experiences will be helpful too!
