I haven't even finished mine yet but I doubt I'll keep it forever. It's not an original classic that is going to escalate in value. I'm building it for the experience, the challenge and for the love of the car but at some point I expect I will want to do something else. Like most, there are only so many spaces in my garage.

Do you still enjoy driving it? Does it still fit your lifestyle/family? Some other project on the horizon?

The good thing about these cars is that they seem to plateau in value. You are not going to see one roll across the auction block in a few years at 10x todays market price. Now's a good time because you have it all freshened up but if you want to drive it a few more years and freshen it up again it's value wont change dramatically. If there is something else you want to build, restore or buy, go for it. If you are forced to sell it, as happens to many, at least you know you can build another just like it if circumstances change.
Good Luck. Love that car BTW.