Quote Originally Posted by AJ Roadster NJ View Post
I'd vote against a clone of Wayne's Pub appearing here. Larry Johnson actually asked me if I wanted to host the Pub back in the day, and I said no. I enjoy a pretty girl as much as the next guy, and I am hardly a prude, but do we need that on the FFR Forum? I think not.

Also, I stay logged in on this site, I never have to give my password. Same on the other site. So my son can see what he wants to see over there, which doesn't make me happy. We use Trend security to block all the porn sites and even questionable sites, but the Pub clears the hurdles and comes through the security. Grrr.

Lots of great suggestions here though for new forums, excellent ideas.

AJ, besides the post above yours, the last one was in June 2011