Quote Originally Posted by Larry N. Johnson View Post
They don't carry over post count.
But they made me a mod.

You and Chuck commin up in June?
Or do we have to go to Prescott for a run this year?
Larry, we may have to do a Prescott run. I still haven't found work yet so we have to be very frugal with our money. Even our trips to Prescott have slowed way down just so save on expenses. We haven't been there since December. Chuck and Penny have had to come our way for us to get together. But if I'm blessed with work soon we'll reconsider. Linda and I love to cruise with the Utah group. It's one of the highlights of our summers.

We're starting to sell our roadster tops now (and I've signed up to be a Bronze Supporting Vendor) so that should help bring in a little but I need a "real" job to make ends meet.

Jay, it's good to see you here. I've seen Larry and Ryan here but we need to get more of the Vegas guys on board. BTW.. When are you planning to order your car?