We got a few more things finished this weekend.
Removed the 2015 IRS sandblasted and painted the cast rear end aluminum colored.
Also modified the rear spindles and blasted and painted/powder coated those.

The rear suspension arms are on back order with the help of a friend and a rubber hammer we installed the carrier.

While installing the gas tank i discovered there are some bends in the tank rim flanges to create more clearance for the straps. Those bends have to be removed before the straps will pull the tank up enough into the frame of the coupe. It looks like the gas tank has been reworked with out telling factory five. IMG_9295_1024x768.JPG

You can see here the I used some washers to wedge the top bolt into the frame bracket making it very easy to turn the nut without holding the bolt since there is no way you could get a wrench around it.
once the flanges were flattened the tank went right in.

next onto the Willwood pedal assembly.