Quote Originally Posted by skidd View Post
Comparing the death rate of COVID19 to Influenza is focusing on the wrong numbers.
It's not about what kills more.. it's about which one has the capacity to overload our medical system.
Influenza with vaccines is more-or-less under control with that regard. We understand it, we have effective measures in place to minimize its impact, and the medical capacity to handle it.
COVID19... not even close. We have none of the above. We need to slow its growth to manage the impact on our health care system. It's really just that simple.

This recent video does a good job of explaining the system overload issue. Worth the couple of minutes to watch.

Doing our part as a nation.. and a community is the right thing to do. Social Distance, washing hands, staying inside unless really necessary.
We all want to be able to look back at this and say "wow.. that was not as big a deal as it could have been".
instead of "dang.. we should have taken drastic measures sooner".
Great video. Thanks Skidd.