Hey wareaglescott,
Your posts have been very helpful.
Been lurking on some of the build forums and have some concerns about the parts that come from FFR missing, being incorrect size or just the wrong one. They seem to not ship the complete kit and just send what they got which is understandable but its seem the owner has to follow up and not the other way round. Read some posts where shipping boxes appear from FFR unexpectedly and work has to be re-done, sometimes not so easy.
Tracking this issues with the customers seems to be a bit off and not to mention probably really tedious. I will say from what I've read FFR are very helpful in getting your issue resolved and that's kinda reassuring but the bend it with your hands comment from the post above is a little concerning as well. Why don't they just send you the correct part? No questions.

I'll keep reading and taking notes, measure twice, check the manual, take a pic, check the forums, call FFR and then cut.