Works for me!
No one is twisting my arm to be here. I'm here for the education, the car, and connection to community. So, for me, can't speak for anyone else, but the cost is well worth the benefits.

I am a retired Financial Controller, but you don't need that background to know it takes money and effort for any club, group, or business to survive. David provides the effort, I happy to help provide some funding to keep this forum viable, and absent the scammers and the disruptive forces that is so prevalent in most other public venues.

But that's just me. Each of us must decide for ourselves if this forum is worth our time, and upon occasion, money.

No offense to anyone intended, all of us play a role in keeping this going, and that does include asking tough questions, if one feels concerned.

Jumping off my self-assigned soapbox now. �� Sorry if I got dangerously close to a rant there. I think I need to go work on my car, must be suffering from withdrawal, ... haven't worked on it today. ��
