You see, Rick, this is why this is such a great forum!! Great Idea. Your creativity in names much better than mine. At the moment, I only know of you and I that are in this category, so I think we have a quorum. All in favor of calling them the "20th Anniversary Stealth" say Aye? All opposed? The Aye's have it. We are now the 20th Anniversary Stealth 5! As much as I would be excited to have it arrive quickly, I really am going to need every minute of the next two months to get ready. My original mental target delivery date was May of 2016!

Good idea, King, perhaps the "Stealth 5" should discuss some uniqueness that will set us apart. Rick, Build plans?

I have a lot of time and very little to do . . . no, wait, reverse that! Now out to the shop to begin the very long punch list to prepare for my new delivery.