I am really thrilled with how my car turned out. It is exactly like I want it to be. But lets be honest, there are some lessons learned through the build process and after completion. There are still a few things that I wish I had done differently. So here is my list of lessons learned through this process. They are in no particular order, just as I happen to think of them. Feel free to chime in with your lessons for first time builders.

1. Believe you can do more than you ever thought possible! I learned so much through this process, did things I never imagined I could do. Do not underestimate your ability to learn, or the willingness of these Factory Five forum friends to help you to achieve greatness.

2. Don't Powder coat everything. I wasted a lot of money on powder coating things that no one will ever see. Think about what will actually be seen, and coat that. If it will be covered by carpet, or only seen if the car is upside down, perhaps it is not necessary.

3. Work much harder on modifying the DS footbox to gain every last inch of available space. That footbox is uncomfortably small. I should have widened it on the right side. Since I did the flip top, widening it on left would have been much more difficult, but on a traditional build, there is more space to be had there.

4. Pre-plan the overall build extremely thoroughly before you buy the kit. I ended up replacing or modifying a lot of parts that perhaps I didn't need to buy. Examples? The Stainless side pipes and the upgraded leather seats. I wanted that Stainless look, but the stock pipes are just too loud, even for my old rock-n-roll ears!! I probably would have been better served to accept the stock pipes, then buy upgraded aftermarket pipes with mufflers already installed. The leather seats are fine, but when I went with an upgraded interior, they got replaced. I didn't know what I didn't know.

5. Begin planning your next build while you are still building your first build! I already miss the build process immensely. I don't yet have a "next" project. I am working on it, but nothing has solidified yet. (Patience has never been my virtue!!)

6. Do what YOU want. (Unless you are building specifically for resale and profit. Then seek therapy and come back to reality!!) Opinions are like navels: everybody's got one! If it is a safety or dependability issue, of course listen to those who really know these cars. But as for stripe or no stripe, blue vs black vs red vs orange, old school vs new school, and every other cosmetic decision, work to YOUR OWN vision! These are not "original" priceless collector cars. These are "Cobra flavored" custom cars that are amazing pieces of personal art meant to drive and enjoy and make a personal statement. Relish that freedom!

7. Seriously consider a two or four post lift if you are over the age of 40!! My knees still hurt!

8. Expect to go over budget. It happens. Prepare for it and don't fight it. If this is your one and only build, you don't want to spend the rest of your life saying "if I only had done . . ." Do it right.

I am sure I will think of other things as I continue to drive the car and reflect on my decisions. That's enough for today. Please add your lessons!